Wanderers are strangers who emerge from the darkness to call your settlement home. During their stay, they will share their story with the settlement. A wanderer brings artifacts of their previous life: new gear, disorders, fighting arts, and more. While they live in your settlement, they can use these to hunt and fight alongside survivors. Campaigns can only have one wanderer. Even after the leave the settlement or die, another will not appear.[1]
Adding Wanderers to Your Campaign edit
Each wanderer has an accompanying book with rules, an introduction, and further content that tells their story throughout the day. Wanderers will join a campaign through an introduction story. The wanderers rule's specify when to add the introduction to your settlement's timeline.[1]
When a wanderer joins the settlement, create a new survivor record sheet for them and increase your settlement's population. Use the starting attributes and details listed in the wanderer's rulebook.[1]
Disposition edit
Disposition (❤) is a wanderer trait that represents their feelings towards their adopted settlement. It can increase or decrease during the campaign and can be negative. Keep track of a wanderer's disposition on their survivor record sheet. A wanderer's disposition toward your settlement greatly influences the results of their story![1]
Outsider edit
Wanderers arrive with their own life experiences. They do not gain the benefits of being born in your settlement (e.g., principles, innovations applying to newborn survivors, etc.). In all other ways, while living in your settlement they are like any other survivor. They can depart (gaining departing survivor effects), gain Hunt XP, contribute and use endeavors, be nominated for story events, adhere to the settlement's survival limit, etc.[1]
Wandering Arc Survivors edit
Wanderers can be arc survivors who join the campaigns of other survivors. Rules are included for a wanderer's life and development in different types of settlements. If a wanderer is an arc survivor, they will have an accompanying philosophy unique to their outlook, as well as Hunt XP milestones that indicate when they ponder their philosophy, increasing its rank. If wandering arc survivors join an arc survivor settlement, their knowledges are added to the settlement's knowledge deck as the wanderer gains them. Arc survivors living outside arc survivor settlements will not gain the benefits of living with a Forum or other arc survivors. Instead, they will gain knowledge only through the course of their own philosophy.[1]