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Attributes are an aspect of a monster or a survivor represented by a numerical value.[1]

Survivor attributes are used over the course of the game's different phases. They include movement, accuracy, strength, evasion, luck, and speed. Arc survivors have two additional attributes: torment, and systemic pressure. A survivor may gain permanent increases and decreases to their attributes. As they do, update the appropriate boxes on the survivor record sheet to reflect these changes. If a survivor gains a temporary modifier to their attributes, place tokens on their record sheet instead of changing the sheet.[2] Remove these tokens during the Returning Survivors step of the settlement phase.

Monster attributes are organized by monster level. Monster attributes include movement, toughness, speed, and damage.[3] They can also gain (or lose) attributes for luck, evasion, and accuracy through tokens.

Survivor Attributes[edit | hide | hide all]

Movement[edit | hide]

A survivor's starting movement is 5. Movement is the maximum number of spaces a survivor can move in a single action. A survivor with less than 1 movement may still move 1 space every turn.[4]

Accuracy[edit | hide]

A starting survivor's accuracy is 0. Accuracy is added to a hit roll result to determine if it is successful. Accuracy can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the roll result.[4]

Strength[edit | hide]

A starting survivor's strength is 0. Strength is added to the result of a wound roll to determine the force of the attack. Strength can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the roll result.[4]

Evasion[edit | hide]

A starting survivor's evasion is 0. Evasion is added to a monster's attack profile accuracy to determine the difficulty of the attack. Evasion can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the attack profile's accuracy.[4]

Luck[edit | hide]

Luck is a survivor's chance to cause a critical wound from a wound roll. A starting survivor's luck is 0, which means they only cause critical wounds on a result of 10 (lantern face on 1d10). Luck increases the range of wound roll results considered critical. +1 luck causes a critical wound on an unmodified result of a 9 or 10, +2 luck on an 8, 9, or 10, and so on. A luck modifier can be a negative number, making it impossible to roll a critical wound.[4]

Speed[edit | hide]

A starting survivor's speed is 0. Speed is added to a survivor's weapon speed to determine the number of rolls to hit in an attack. Speed can be a negative number , in which case it is subtracted from the number of dice rolled for an attack.[4] Weapons with the Slow keyword cannot benefit from positive speed bonuses.[5]

Torment[edit | hide]

An arc survivor attribute. A starting survivor's torment is 0. Subtract an arc survivor's torment from their brain trauma roll results. [6] Non-arc survivors are not affected by torment. [7]

Systemic Pressure[edit | hide]

An arc survivor attribute. A starting survivor's systemic pressure is 0. Subtract an arc survivor's systemic pressure from their severe injury rolls results [6] Non-arc survivors are not affected by systemic pressure. [7]

Monster Attributes[edit | hide]

Movement[edit | hide]

Movement is the number of spaces a monster can move.[8] A monster with less than 1 movement may still move 1 space each move action. [9]

Actions will dictate when to move the monster. Most commonly, this will be in the form of a Move & Attack Target action, after a monster has picked a target. When an action instructs a monster toward a target, the monster controller must identify the shortest path between the monster and the target, then move the monster miniature along that path until it is adjacent to the target or has no movement remaining. If there are multiple paths tied for shortest, the monster controller chooses one. Regardless of their size, monsters move 1 space at a time in cardinal directions (not diagonal). [10]

E.g.: After the White Lion plays Viscious Claw and picks a target, it will proceed to the next action on the card, Move & Attack Target. To move towards the target, the monster controller chooses the shortest path monster and the survivor, the moves one cardinal space at a time along its path. Since the White Lion's movement is 6 and the survivor is 7 spaces away, the monster controller is able to move the monster to a space adjacent to the survivor. After moving the monster, turn to face the survivor, resolve any instances of collision, then attack the target using the card's attack profile.[10]

Some attacks have reach (the long halberd of the King's Man) or range. In these cases, move the monster the minimum number of spaces it must move to attack its target.[10]

Full Move[edit | hide]

Full move is a term that describes a monster or survivor's maximum available movement, taking into account any positive or negative movement modifier token.[10]

Ex: A Level 1 White Lion (movement 6) with a -1 movement token would have a full move of 5.

Forward, Backward, Away, and Towards[edit | hide]

Some monster actions and rules will specify a direction for a monster to move.

This is the direction the monster is currently facing.[10]

This is the opposite direction the monster is currently facing.[10]

This is usually in conjunction with something on the board (e.g. all survivors, the attacker, a board edge, a terrain tile). The monster controller should move as directly as possible, in any direction that puts the most spaces between the monster and the specified location.[10],[11]

This is usually in conjunction with something on the board. The monster controller should move as directly as possible, in the direction that puts the monster closest to the specified location.[11]

Encounter Monster Movement[edit | hide]

Main Article: Encounters
When an action instructs an encounter monster to move towards a target, it takes the shortest path possible, moving around survivors, impassable terrain, and other monsters. If no path exists, move the monster as close as possible to its target. Encounter monsters cannot voluntarily move through spaces occupied by survivors, impassable terrain, or other monsters. If an encounter monster would occupy a space containing impassable terrain or another monster, place it in the nearest unoccupied space instead.[12]

Toughness[edit | hide]

Toughness is the monster's resilience. Toughness is the number a wound roll result must meet or exceed to wound a monster. Negative attribute tokens cannot reduce a monster's toughness below 1.[8]

Speed[edit | hide]

Speed is added to the speed listed on an attack profile to calculate the total speed of a monster's attack. If a monster has no speed listed in this section, nothing is added to the speed of its attack profile.[8] If speed is negative, subtract it from the number of dice rolled for an attack. A monster attack with less than 1 speed still has one attack roll.[5]

Damage[edit | hide]

The monster's damage attribute is only added to the damage listed on an attack profile to calculate the total damage caused by a monster's attack. Monster damage does not affect damage listed outside of attack profiles (e.g. damage from Grab or brain damage). Negative attribute tokens cannot reduce a monster's damage below 1.[8]

Luck[edit | hide]

Every positive monster luck token reduces the range of wound roll results considered critical. Normally, critical wounds occur only on Lantern 10s. Unless survivors have positive luck modifiers, a critical wound against a monster with 1 or more luck tokens is impossible. Each negative monster luck token increases the attackers' critical wound range by 1. The rule of Lantern 10 always applies, so even if a monster's luck makes critically wounding impossible, a wound roll of a Lantern 10 will still cause a normal wound.[8]

Accuracy[edit | hide]

Represents permanent changes to attack rolls. Positive attribute adds to the dice roll, while negative attribute subtracts from the dice roll. [13]

Evasion[edit | hide]

When a monster with evasion is the target of an attack, increase the accuracy of the attack profile by the amount of evasion the target possesses. Evasion can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the attack profile's accuracy. Regardless of evasion, a Lantern 10 on the attack roll is always a Perfect hit, and an attack roll of 1 will always be unsuccessful.[14]

References[edit | hide]

  1. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 228
  2. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 41
  3. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 49
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 42
  5. 5.0 5.1 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 235
  6. 6.0 6.1 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 46
  7. 7.0 7.1 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 194
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 50
  9. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 233
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 69
  11. 11.0 11.1 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 70
  12. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 91
  13. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 228
  14. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 230
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