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The unique collection of settlement locations, innovations, principles, gear, resources and survivors that represent the survivors' home. Players interact with the settlement during the Settlement Phase.

Settlement Locations[edit | hide | hide all]

Settlement locations are a card type found in Kingdom Death: Monster and represent the buildings and services found in a settlement. Settlement locations are typically built in the settlement phase during the Develop step, gained from story events or when a monster is defeated for the first time. When a new location is built or gained, place that settlement location in the play area and add the new location to your settlement record sheet. This location becomes a permanent addition to your settlement.

Some settlement locations have unique activities that can only be found at that location. Most activities at settlement locations require an endeavor to be spent as part of the cost of performing them.

Some settlement locations allow survivors to build additional settlement locations by spending a combination of resources and endeavors.

Most settlement locations allow survivors to craft gear cards by spending a combination of resources and endeavors. Once the cost of these gear cards has been paid, the settlement gains the corresponding gear card.

Special Innovate
Some settlement locations allow survivors to gain specific innovations by spending a combination of resources and endeavors. The cost of these innovations is listed on the bottom of the settlement location card that it is innovated from. These innovations can be gained even if they are not in your settlement's innovation deck. Remember to add any innovations that are consequences of a special innovation to the settlement's innovation deck.

Some gear and endeavors have a Lock Icon symbol. These gear or activities are not available to survivors until they have fulfilled the prerequisite requirement listed next to the Lock Icon.

Settlement Location Extensions[edit | hide]

Certain circumstances may cause the survivors to expand a settlement location, granting access to powerful new gear recipes. When a settlement location extension is gained, add it to the bottom of the corresponding settlement location. A settlement location extension cannot be gained if the location it expands does not exist within the settlement.

List of Settlement Location[edit | hide]

Core Game Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Dragon King Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Dung Beetle Knight Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Gorm Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Spidicules Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Sunstalker Expansion Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

Unreleased Settlement Locations[edit | hide]

White Box Settlement Location Expansions[edit | hide]

Notable Settlements[edit | hide]

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