
From Kingdom Death Wiki
(Redirected from Obstacle)

The landscape of Kingdom Death is strewn with odd features and relics that may prove advantageous to survivors fighting for their lives.

Terrain Tiles[edit | hide | hide all]

Terrain tiles are placed on spaces on the showdown board before the battle begins. Unless otherwise stated, survivors may move through spaces with terrain tiles on them as if they were unoccupied spaces. Terrain tiles may not be placed on top of one another. Ignore any rules or effects that instruct to place more terrain tiles than are available in the core game. The Terrain & Deployment section of each monster's showdown story event specifies what terrain to use for that showdown. [1]

Double-sided Terrain Tiles[edit | hide]

The Dragon King Expansion introduces double-sided terrain tiles (Lava Pools/Obsidian Towers). These terrain tiles have 2 corresponding terrain cards. During the Dragon King's showdown, these terrain tiles flip after they are placed. Use the rules on the terrain card corresponding to the currently visible side of the terrain tile. If the Lava Pool or Obsidian Tower terrain cards are drawn in another monster's showdown, use only the side of the terrain tile corresponding to the terrain card you drew. [2]

Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Terrain cards correspond with their matching tiles, and contain rules for placing and interacting with them. They are placed on the side of the showdown board so they can be easily referenced.[1]

Anatomy of a Terrain Card[edit | hide]

  1. An image of the terrain tile. This image also shows how many grid spaces the terrain tile occupies on the showdown board.
  2. Terrain name and the number of tiles the card generates for setup. If no number is indicated, then only 1 tile should be set up.
  3. The terrain tile's special rules.
  4. Terrain setup rules are used if there are not specific setup rules listed in the Terrain & Deployment section of the monster's showdown story event.

Special Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Some terrain cards are used exclusively in their respective monster's showdowns. These cards are terrain cards, but feature the corresponding monster's crest on the back of the card. Do not shuffle these terrain cards into the terrain deck.[3]

Terrain & Deplyoment[edit | hide]

Main Article: Showdown Phase
Each monster's showdown story event has a Terrain and Deployment section. It lists specific and random terrain to place on the showdown board. Note the quantity of terrain tiles each terrain card instructs you to place, as many terrain cards add more than one terrain tile to the showdown board[4].

First, use any specifically listed terrain cards to set up their corresponding terrain tiles according to the Showdown Setup diagram found on the story event. If the terrain tiles are not on the diagram, follow the setup rules on the bottom of each terrain card. Set asside these terrain cards. Next, add random terrain by shuffling the terrain deck and drawing the number of cards specified by the story event. Set up their corresponding terrain tiles, one card at a time, according to the rules on the bottom of each card[4].

List of Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Core Game Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Black Knight Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Dragon King Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Dung Beetle Knight Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Flower Knight Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Lion God Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Lion Knight Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Lonely Tree Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Spidicules Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Sunstalker Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Vignette of Death: Killennium Butcher Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

White Box Expansion Terrain Cards[edit | hide]

Survivors and Terrain[edit | hide]

Terrain cards with Activation Icon indicate the corresponding terrain can be activated. Survivors adjacent to or on spaces occupied by this kind of terrain may spend activation to use the rules listed on the terrain card. Terrain cards can have persistent rules that affect survivors during the showdown.[1]

Monsters and Terrain[edit | hide]

Unless stated otherwise on the terrain card, monsters ignore terrain tiles on the showdown board. For example, terrain with the Obstacle special rule block a monster's line of sight, and when a monster passes over Destructible terrain, it is archived.[1]

Manipulating Terrain[edit | hide]

Many of the Lion God's AI cards manipulate terrain tiles on the showdown board. Most often, these AI cards instruct the Lion God to throw terrain tiles, or pick them up and crush survivors with them. When terrain moves into or is placed in a space occupied by a survivor, they collide with each other. Apply normal rules for survivors colliding with terrain. When the Lion God moves a terrain tile, the monster controller chooses its movement path the same way they would choose the monster's. The Lion God may move terrain tiles through itself if that is the most direct route between the terrain and the survivor. It may also place terrain tiles under itself. A terrain tile being placed on the showdown board destroys and archives all previously existing terrain tiles under it as long as none have the Indestructible rule. If a terrain tile would be placed on an Indestructible terrain tile, place it in the nearest adjacent space instead.[5]

List of Terrain Special Rules[edit | hide]

Destructible[edit | hide]

When a survivor collides with destructible terrain, archive the terrain tile. The survivor suffers 1 damage to a random hit location as a result of the collision.[1]

Elastic[edit | hide]

Survivors cannot voluntarily move onto elastic terrain. They can be placed, or suffer knockback onto elastic terrain. When they do, they collide with it.

Due to its bouncy composition and geometry, survivors careening into elastic terrain while suffering knockback will be flung even further in a new direction. Increase their knockback by 4 and change the bounce direction of their knockback.

Impassable[edit | hide]

Impassable terrain occupies all spaces that it covers. Survivors cannot move through spaces occupied by impassable terrain. If a survivor would move (voluntarily or involuntarily) into a space occupied by impassable terrain, they instead collide with the terrain and end their movement. If a monster rule (like Grab) would place a survivor onto impassable terrain, they instead collide with the terrain and are place in the nearest free space adjacent to the terrain.[1]

Indestructible[edit | hide]

Indestructible terrain cannot be destroyed or removed from the showdown board for any reason until the end of the showdown.[5]

Monster-Impassable[edit | hide]

Monster-impassable terrain has all the characteristics of impassable terrain, but with the following addition: monsters may not move through spaces occupied by monster-impassable terrain. Monsters must move around monster-impassable terrain tiles, if possible. If this is not possible (such as when the monster is instructed to move in a straight line), they instead end their movement in the space before the terrain tile.[6]

Obstacle[edit | hide]

Obstacles block survivor and monster field of view. It interrupts ranged weapon attacks and monster targetting.To check if field of view is blocked, draw an imaginary line from the center of the miniature's base to the center of the intended target's base. If the line comes in contact with a space occupied by an obstcle, then the field of view is blocked, and the target is not in the field of view.[1]

See Also[edit | hide]

References[edit | hide]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 59
  2. Dragon King Expansion Rulebook, pg.1
  3. Lion Knight Expansion Rulebook, pg.2
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 66
  5. 5.0 5.1 Lion God Expansion Rulebook, pg.1
  6. Lonely Tree Expansion Rulebook, pg.1