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Innovations are a type of card that is found in Kingdom Death: Monster. Innovations are social and technological discoveries that profoundly affect the future of a campaign's settlement. They can grant new combat abilities and fighting arts, access to new resources, settlement activities, and expand the possibilities of the settlement's future.[1]

Innovation Anatomy[edit | hide | hide all]

Innovation cards feature the following components:

  • Name: The name of the innovation.
  • Innovation Keywords: Innovations have a type (Paint's type is art) and an origin (Paint is a language consequence).
  • Rules: Some innovations, like Language, have persistent benefits. Others, will allow you to endeavor at these innovations for potential gain.

Consequences[edit | hide]

Some innovation cards direct you to add further innovations to the innovation deck.[2]

Innovation Deck[edit | hide]

The innovation deck is a persistent deck that grows during the campaign. It represents the potential cultural and technological growth of the settlement, and will grow as a consequence of gained innovation cards. Whenever a settlement gains a new innovation, search the innovation cards for any innovations that are a consequence of the new innovation. Shuffle them into the innovation deck. The innovation deck is persistent. Players should make sure to preserve the unique combination of cards in their innovation deck between play sessions.[2]

Adding Innovations[edit | hide]

When a new innovation is added to the settlement, players should place it in the play area with all other innovations and update the settlement record sheet innovation list.

When gained innovations will grant a settlement to persistent benefits such as unlocking survival actions, increasing the settlement's survival limit, or providing opportunities for survivors to endeavor. If an endeavor cost is listed on the innovation card, one or more players may nominate a survivor, spend their endeavors at the innovation, and apply and resulting rules or effects.[2]

Survival Limit[edit | hide]

Main Article: Survival Limit
Some innovations change your settlment's survival limit. When these are innovated, increase the survival limit on the settlement record sheet. If these innovations are lost, decrease the survival limit.[2]

Masteries[edit | hide]

Main Article: Weapon Mastery
Weapon and armor masteries are innovations, they are permanently added to the list of settlement innovations. When any survivor attains a weapon or armor mastery with its matching type, that mastery imparts benefits to everyone in the settlement. All other survivors automatically gain the specialist bonus for that mastery and may use this in addition to whatever weapon proficiencies they have earned.[2]

List of Innovations[edit | hide]

Core Game Innovations[edit | hide]

Black Knight Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Dragon King Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Dung Beetle Knight Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Flower Knight Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Gorm Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Lion God Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Lion Knight Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Manhunter Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Slenderman Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Spidicules Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

Sunstalker Expansion Innovations[edit | hide]

White Box Innovations[edit | hide]

Principles[edit | hide]

Principles are the guiding philosophies of your settlement. They have two components, a story event and a principle card. When a principle's story event is triggered, it will prompt a settlement to make a choice. Follow the rules on each story event. Record the chosen principle on the settlement record sheet and add that principle's card to the settlement play area. Principle cards describe persistent effects of your chosen principles. Apply any benefits of your principle as survivors are born, when they die, and at any other appropriate time.[2]

Core Game Principles[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Principles[edit | hide]

White Box Principles[edit | hide]

References[edit | hide]

  1. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 38
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 84
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