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Gear Special Rule

From Kingdom Death Wiki

Gear special rules are listed on the bottom of some gear cards. These rules include special abilities and limitations (e.g. weapons can be Savage, or Frail). The rules of lower level gear are explained on their cards. However, rules on some higher level gear are referred to by name only. [1]


Accessory gear may be worn in addition to armor on a hit location. Each accessory specifies the hit location it covers.[2]

List of Gear with the Accessory Special Rule

Activation Limit X

A survivor may only activate/spend Activation Icon on this gear the listed number of times during a showdown. Use tokens to track this.[2]

List of Gear with the Activation Limit X Special Rule

Affinity Bonus

Having the indicated number of colored affinities will trigger the effect. Each affinity bonus only applies once, regardless of how many extra affinities a survivor has.[2]

List of Gear with the Affinity Bonus Special Rule

Ammo - Bow

You must have a bow in your gear grid to activate this card. Ammo has the range of a bow in your gear grid.[2]

List of Gear with the Ammo - Bow Special Rule

Category Ammo - Bow not found

Ballad (X)

Spend Activation Icon and archive X wounds from the monster's wound stack to perform a ballad. Effects of ballads last until the gear is archived, you die, or you perform a different ballad. Ballads have different names and costs (denoted by [X]).[3]

List of Gear with the Ballad (X) Special Rule

Banshee Dura X

At the start of your act, gain (or lose) howling tokens until you have X of them. During your act or a survival opportunity, you may spend 1 howling token to:

  • Gain Movement Icon, which must be spent immediately. Limit once per round.
  • Gain Activation Icon, which must be spent immediately. Limit once per round.
  • Perform a survival action, using the howling token in place of survival.
  • Gain +1 strength token until the end of the round.[4]

List of Gear with the Banshee Dura X Special Rule

Barbed X

On a Perfect hit, gain +X strength for the rest of the attack.[5]

Barbed X was added as a special rule in Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6. Prior to 1.6 the rule existed, but did not have a name.

List of Gear with the Barbed X Special Rule


When you wound the monster from its blind spot, all of its reflex reactions become failure reactions until this attack ends.[3]

List of Gear with the Blindside Special Rule

Category Blindside X not found

Block X

Spend activation to ignore X hits the next time you are attacked. Lasts until your next act. A survivor may not use block more than once per attack.[5]

List of Gear with the Block X Special Rule


If you are adjacent to another survivor, you may spend Activation Icon to kill them. You gain their bleeding tokens and it takes an additional 5 bleeding tokens to kill you this showdown.[4]

List of Gear with the Bloodeater Special Rule

Campaign Limit X

This gear may only be activated X times per campaign. Record this on yoursettlement record sheet to keep track.[4]

List of Gear with the Campaign Limit X Special Rule

Category Campaign Limit X not found


This gear must be placed in the center of your gear grid. If you gain this and already have a gear in the center of your grid, archive it and place this in the center of your grid.[4]

List of Gear with the Center Special Rule


Survivors spend movement and activation to move the maximum available spaces in a straight line in one direction. At the end of movement, if in range, perform an attack using a melee weapon, adding the number of spaces moved in this way to your strength for the attack. Charge does not impact any further attacks this turn.[5]

List of Gear with the Charge Special Rule

Category Charger not found

Cleavage X

When you attempt to wound a hit location with a persistent injury, gain +X luck for that wound attempt.[4]

List of Gear with the Cleavage X Special Rule


You may spend Movement IconActivation Icon to activate and attack with this weapon. If you do, it gains the two-handed keyword, +4 strength, and slow for the attack. You cannot use Cleave if an injury or other effect is preventing you from activating gear with the two-handed keyword.[4]

List of Gear with the Cleave Special Rule

Clobber X

Gain +X strength while attempting to wound a Super-Dense hit location.[3]

List of Gear with the Clobber X Special Rule


Survivors must spend both movement and activation to activate Cumbersome gear.[5]

List of Gear with the Cumbersome Special Rule


This gear cannot be removed from the gear grid for any reason. If the survivor dies, archive this gear.[5]

List of Gear with the Cursed Special Rule

Deadly X

Gain +X luck while attacking with this weapon. This increases the odds of inflicting critical wounds. (If no numerical value is specified, aka Deadly, it is just +1 luck.)[4][6]

List of Gear with the Deadly X Special Rule

Death Geometry

Spend Movement IconMovement Icon to place yourself in an unoccupied space adjacent to a monster or survivor. If it is a survivor, you both suffer Monster Level brain damage.[7]

List of Gear with the Death Geometry Special Rule

Deflect X

When you Deflect X, gain (or lose) deflect tokens until you have X of them. When you are hit, if you have any deflect tokens, you ignore that hit and lose a deflect token. When you Deflect X, you lose the benefits of Block.[6]

List of Gear with the Deflect X Special Rule


Spend Activation Icon to archive an adjacent impassable terrain tile. If a monster is standing on that terrain when it is archived, the monster is knocked down.[4]

List of Gear with the Demolish Special Rule

Devastating X

When a devastating weapon wounds a monster, it will inflict X additional wounds.[6]

List of Gear with the Devastating X Special Rule

Early Iron

When any of your attack roll results are a 1, cancel your attack.[6]

List of Gear with the Early Iron Special Rule

Category Early Iron not found


On a Perfect hit, the monster suffers an automatic wound. Limit once per attack.[7]

List of Gear with the Expertise Special Rule

Category Expertise not found


Frail weapons are destroyed if a survivor attempts to wound a Super-Dense location with them. Archive the weapon at the end of the attack.[8]

List of Gear with the Frail Special Rule

Full Ensemble

This armor gear is worn at every hit location. You may not equip armor gear at any hit location while wearing a Full Ensemble.[7]

List of Gear with the Full Ensemble Special Rule

Grace of Power

This gear gains +1 strength for each red affinity you have.[9]

List of Gear with the Grace of Power Special Rule

Grace of Splendor

Spend Movement IconActivation Icon to gain +1 luck until the end of the round for every 2 blue affinities you have.[9]

List of Gear with the Grace of Splendor Special Rule

Grace of Valor

When you depart, add Armor 1 Icon to all hit locations for every 2 green affinities you have.[9]

List of Gear with the Grace of Valor Special Rule


When you are attacking and Block a hit, you may move up to 6 consecutive spaces. If you do, your next wound attempt this attack gains strength equal to the number of spaces moved.[4]

List of Gear with the Grimstep Special Rule


A weapon ability. During an attack roll with this weapon, reroll any natural 1s. You must keep the new results.[9]

List of Gear with the Heroic Special Rule

Honed X

This gear has +X strength. After successfully wounding a Super-Dense or Parry hit location, the edge is ruined and loses its bonus strength. When the survivor returns to the the settlement, all Honed gear is mended, regaining lost strength.[9]

List of Gear with the Honed X Special Rule


If a survivor dies, archive all irreplaceable gear in their gear grids.[10]

List of Gear with the Irreplaceable Special Rule


A weapon ability. During your wound attempt with this weapon, reroll any natural 1s. You must keep the new results.[9]

List of Gear with the Impeccable Special Rule

Instrument Force

Spend Activation Icon to attack with an instrument in your gear grid. All survivors within 5 spaces, including you, suffer 3 damage to 3 random hit locations. Then, all monsters within 5 spaces of you are automatically hit 3 times. Each wound attempt for this attack gains +4d10 strength.[9]

List of Gear with the Instrument Force Special Rule

Category Instrument Force not found

Kinetic Discharge

When you have any tokens and you attack, gain +4 strength for the attack. Discard all your tokens when the attack ends.[9]

List of Gear with the Kinetic Discharge Special Rule

Category Kinetic Discharge not found


Spend Movement IconActivation Icon to leap into the air! Place your survivor on an unoccupied space exactly 5 spaces away in a straight line, then activate a melee weapon with +2 accuracy and +5 strength.[4]

List of Gear with the Leap Special Rule

Category Leap not found


This gear cannot be disarmed.[9]

List of Gear with the Locked Special Rule


When you depart, consume this (do not archive) to gain its benefits. You can depart with only one meal. If a meal has a monster name, it is a unique meal gained via Innovation Icon Supreme Cuisine.[9]

List of Gear with the Meal Special Rule

Melting X

On Arrival, place X +1 strength tokens on this gear. At the end of your act, remove a +1 strength token from this gear.[4]

List of Gear with the Melting X Special Rule

Mindlock X

When you Mindlock X, gain (or lose) mindlock tokens until you have X of them. When you suffer brain damage, if you have any mindlock tokens, you ignore it and lose a mindlock token.[9]

List of Gear with the Mindlock X Special Rule


If all of your attack rolls hit, double your wound attempt totals for the attack.[11]

List of Gear with the Onslaught Special Rule


This completes an armor set if you're wearing the rest of the set and it shares a material keyword with the missing gear. For example, if you're wearing the Oxidized Lantern Helm, and Phoenix Armor on every other hit location, you would gain the Phoenix armor set bonus because the Phoenix helm also has the metal keyword.[12]

List of Gear with the Outfit Special Rule


Paired weapons are two identical weapons that can be used as one. Add the speed of the second weapon when attacking with the first. These weapons must have the same name, and both must be in your gear grid.[12]

List of Gear with the Paired Special Rule

Persistence X

On a Perfect hit, gain +X survival.[13]

List of Gear with the Persistence X Special Rule


While you are attacking, you cannot be knocked down.[4]

List of Gear with the Poise Special Rule


Spend Movement IconActivation Icon to move 3 spaces forward in a straight line and activate a melee weapon. This attack gains +1 strength.[12]

List of Gear with the Pounce Special Rule

Category Pounce not found

Precision X

On a Perfect hit, inflict an automatic critical wound to the first X hit locations you resolve.[13]

List of Gear with the Precision X Special Rule


When you wound with this weapon, gain the priority target token.[12]

List of Gear with the Provoke Special Rule

Category Provoke not found

Range: X

Survivors this many or fewer spaces away from a monster may attack with this weapon. Ranged weapons cannot be used if field of view to the monster is blocked (by terrain with the Obstacle rule).[14]

List of Gear with the Range: X Special Rule

Razor Sharp

When attacking with a razor sharp weapon, roll a razor sharp die and add the result (denoted by the number of pips) to your wound attempt. This is not a wound roll and cannot cause critical wounds.[13]

Razor Sharp Die

A special d6 included with certain game contents. The razor sharp die has different values than standard d6s. You can determine the result of a face by counting the number of pips showing on it.[13]

List of Gear with the Razor Sharp Special Rule

Reach X

Reach weapons are long enough to attack monsters when the survivor is not adjacent. Reach specifies the maximum number of spaces away that a survivor can attack with this weapon.[14]

List of Gear with the Reach X Special Rule


When a refined gear fails to wound, you may reroll the wound attempt. Limit, once per attack.[13]

List of Gear with the Refined Special Rule


After the first critical wound in an attack, savage weapons cause 1 additional wound. This rule does not trigger on Impervious hit locations.[14]

List of Gear with the Savage Special Rule


Spend Movement Icon. For the rest of the round, your attacks with this weapon gain +2 luck.[13]

List of Gear with the Saw Special Rule


Sealed gear has a bonus effect that can only be earned by training. A survivor can unseal the gear by declaring it as their weapon proficiency, forsaking the normal bonuses of selecting a weapon type. When the survivor reaches the specialization rank, they earn the effect listed after the Sealed special rule on the gear card. A survivor can only earn a gear's Sealed bonus once per lifetime. Example: A survivor declares Toxicimitar as their weapon proficiency (because it has a Sealed effect). When they reach rank 3 (specialization), they gain the Crescent Step secret fighting art.[4]

List of Gear with the Sealed Special Rule


Selfish gear cannot be in the same gear grid with any gear with the other keyword.[14]

List of Gear with the Selfish Special Rule


A survivor must be insane to activate this gear.[14]

List of Gear with the Sentient Special Rule


Add 1d10 strength to each wound attempt using this gear. This d10 is not a wound roll, and cannot cause critical wounds nor automatically fail.[14]

List of Gear with the Sharp Special Rule


Spend Movement Icon and full move forward in a straight line. If you move 4+ spaces and stop adjacent to a monster, it suffers knockback 1 and -1 toughness until the end of the round.[14]

List of Gear with the Slam Special Rule

Category Slam not found


Slow weapons always have an attack speed of 1. Do not add speed modifiers.[14]

List of Gear with the Slow Special Rule

Surpass X

When your wound attempt total surpasses the monster's toughness by X or more, the monster suffers an additional wound.[15]

List of Gear with the Surpass X Special Rule


If the survivor would die, roll 1d10. On a result of 6+, instead the survivor lives. If this roll occurs from the survivor having a lethal amount of bleeding tokens, the survivor will not die until they gain another bleeding token.[16]

List of Gear with the Undeathable Special Rule

Category Undeathable not found


A settlement may only have one copy of this gear card at a time.[16]

List of Gear with the Unique Special Rule


While you have any deflect tokens, this weapon has +2 speed and -4 strength.

List of Gear with the Unfurled Special Rule


When this survivor draws a trap card, roll 1d10. On a result of 6+, ignore the trap. Discard it and shuffle the hit location deck.[16]

List of Gear with the Unshakeable Special Rule

Category Unshakeable not found


Replace all wound rolls with a 1d10 roll. On a 1-5, fail to wound, on 6+ wound. You cannot cause a critical wound while using this rule.[16]

List of Gear with the Unstoppable Special Rule

Category Unstoppable not found


If any attack dice roll results are 1, the weapon causes 1 random damage to the survivor for each 1 rolled. Continue the attack as normal.[16]

List of Gear with the Unwieldy Special Rule


If the settlement has any gear with this rule, the survivors cannot depart without this gear. If the survivor holding Vital gear perishes before the showdown, another survivor must pick up the Vital gear (discarding gear to make room in their grid if needed).[16]

List of Gear with the Vital Gear Special Rule

Category Vital not found

See Also


  1. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 45
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 228
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 190
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 Living Glossary
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 229
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 230
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 191
  8. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 231
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 192
  10. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 232
  11. Frogdog Expansion Rulebook, pg. 5
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 233
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 193
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 234
  15. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 194
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 236
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