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(Redirected from Fist & Tooth (Weapon))

Gear are objects that survivors may carry and wear, represented by gear cards. Gear can be crafted at settlement locations, gained during events, or earned as rewards.

Armor Gear[edit | hide | hide all]

Armor protects survivors by increasing armor points at hit locations. Armor is worn by placing it in a survivor's gear grid. Only one piece of armor may be worn on each hit location. Each armor gear contains the following information:

  1. The name of the gear.
  2. The gear's keywords (the armor keyword indicates that this gear is armor).
  3. The number of armor points gained when worn.
  4. A hit location icon that indicated the hit location(s) that gains the armor points.
  5. Special rules for the armor. This includes extra abilities, affinity bonuses, and restrictions from wearing the armor.

When a survivor departs, update their current armor points from armor in their gear grid. If armor gear is lost during the hunt or showdown, update the survivor's armor points to reflect this loss immediately.

Weapon Gear[edit | hide]

Weapons are primarily used to attack monsters. Each weapon gear contains the following information:

  1. The name of the gear.
  2. The gear's keywords (the weapon keyword indicates that this gear is armor).
  3. An attack profile that indicates that one activation is required to attack with the weapon.
  4. The weapon's speed attribute.
  5. The weapon's accuracy attribute.
  6. The weapon's strength attribute.
  7. Special rules and abilities of the weapon. Unless otherwise noted, these rules only apply when that weapon is activated.

Item Gear[edit | hide]

Items have effects that can aid survivors in the hunt and showdown. Each item has unique rules described in detail on the gear card. Each item gear contains the following information:

  1. The name of the gear.
  2. The gear's keywords (the item keyword indicates that this gear is armor).
  3. Special rules for the item. Unless otherwise noted, item rules are always in effect (their benefits are gained just by having them in the gear grid).
  4. Some item special rules require the survivor to spend activation to trigger special rules (indicated by an activation symbol (Activation Icon) beside the rule).

Gear Keywords[edit | hide]

Main Article: Gear Keywords
Keywords are used to describe gear's important features. Gear keywords may be referenced by events, monster cards, or other rules.

Gear Special Rules[edit | hide]

Main Article: Gear Special Rules
Special rules are listed at the bottom of some gear cards. These rules included special abilities and limitations (e.g. weapons can be Savage or Frail). The rules of lower level gear cards are explained on their cards. However, rules on some higher level gear are referred to by name only. Full explanations of all gear special rules can be found in the Living Glossary.

Wearing Gear[edit | hide]

Wearing a piece of gear refers to a piece of armor or accessory gear in your gear grid. If an effect restricts the type of gear you can wear, you cannot place that type of gear in your gear grid.[1]

Activation Costs[edit | hide]

Some gear require an additional cost from the survivor in order to use them. The most common cost associated with using a gear is spending an activation, but other costs such as spending survival, or suffering damage also appear on gear cards.

Ex. The Cat Gut Bow is Cumbersome, which requires survivors to spend Movement Icon in addition to an Activation Icon in order to be fired.

Some gear functions differently if survivors are insane, have certain amounts of survival, or meet attribute requirements. these will be noted in the rules description or explained in the glossary.

Duplicate Gear[edit | hide]

Except for weapons, a survivor may not have multiple copies of the same gear in their gear grid. A survivor gains the benefits of a weapon's special rules only once, no matter how many copies they have. Additional copies of weapons still contribute affinities.

Affinities[edit | hide]

Main Article: Affinities
Some gear cards have red, blue, or green half-squares on the card edge. If a half-square is adjacent to another half-square of the same color, the complete square forms 1 affinity.

Gaining Gear During the Hunt & Showdown[edit | hide]

If a survivor gains gear during the hunt or showdown phase, they may add it to their grid immediately. If their gear grid is full, they must either archive the acquired gear (unless it is Cursed) or another piece of gear from the gear grid to make room for the new gear. A gear grid may not be rearranged when this occurs, and the gear cannot be added to another survivor's gear grid.[2]

Survivor Death & Gear[edit | hide]

When a survivor dies, their gear is returned to the settlement storage (except any gear with the Irreplaceable rule). If all survivors die during a hunt or showdown, their gear is returned to the settlement.[3]

Gear Grid[edit | hide]

The gear in a survivor's gear grid is what the survivor is wearing and carrying. The gear grid has space for 9 gear cards, which can be arranged in any configuration as long as they are faced right-side up. They cannot be rotated (unless a survivor has the Ageless Apprentice secret fighting art). Gear grids can only be rearranged during the settlement phase.

Fist & Tooth[edit | hide]

Fist & Tooth describes a survivor fighting with their bare hands, and is a weapon available to all survivors. Rules for Fist & Tooth are listed on the side of the gear grid.

Scout Gear Grid[edit | hide]

Main Article: Scouts
A special gear grid used by a 5th survivor while using the Scout pillar. This gear grid only has four free spaces; the remaining free spaces are occupied by the Dreaded Pack.[4]

Starting Gear[edit | hide]

Starting gear cards are supplied to the founding survivors of a campaign. Occasionally, starting gear cards will be awarded by game events.

List of Starting Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Core Game Starting Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Starting Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Gear[edit | hide]

Basic gear cards are crafted at specific settlement locations during the Develop step of the settlement phase.

List of Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Core Game Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Dragon King Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Dung Beetle Knight Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Flower Knight Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Gorm Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Slenderman Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Spidicules Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Sunstalker Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Vignette of Death: White Gigalion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

White Box Expansion Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Rare Gear[edit | hide]

Rare gear are strange and often unique pieces of gear that cannot be crafted, and instead are acquired through story events, settlement events, and hunt events.

List of Rare Gear[edit | hide]

Core Game Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Black Knight Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Dragon King Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Dung Beetle Knight Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Flower Knight Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Lion God Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Lion Knight Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Manhunter Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Spidicules Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Sunstalker Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Vignette of Death: Killennium Butcher Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

Vignette of Death: White Gigalion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

White Box Expansion Rare Gear Cards[edit | hide]

BETA Challenge PDF Rare Gear[edit | hide]

Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Pattern gear are crafted from patterns which are themselves gained when a moment of inspiration strikes a survivor.

List of Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Black Knight Expansion Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

White Box Expansion Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Seed Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Seed pattern gear are crafted from seed patterns which are inspired from an enigmatic font of creativity.

Note: Early seed pattern gear cards do not have a consistent design or use consistent keyword language with seed pattern cards released post-Gambler's Chest Expansion.

List of Seed Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Black Knight Expansion Seed Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Seed Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Seed Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

White Box Expansion Seed Pattern Gear[edit | hide]

Scout Gear[edit | hide]

Main Article: Scouts
A scout discovery enables a scout to make a corresponding monster tablet gear. Scouts commit their in-depth insights in scout shorthand onto wearsome slabs. Then, the scout uses them to coach the hunting survivors. Each tablet describes a useful manuever that works only against that tablet's respective monster. The scout must be alive and carrying the tablet corresponding to the quarry at hand to use its effects[5]

List of Scout Gear[edit | hide]

Campaigns of Death Scout Gear[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Scout Gear[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Scout Gear[edit | hide]

Meal Gear[edit | hide]

Main Article: Arc Survivors
Devouring quarries inspires the survivors to craft marvelous recipes. If the settlement has earned at least 10 CC from consuming a quarry, they may endeavor at Innovation Icon Supreme Cuisine to craft that monster's meal. Once a meal is crafted, it can be used by the settlement each lantern year. A survivor may place one meal gear in their gear grid, gaining the monster-inspired effects when they depart the settlement. A settlement may only have one of each meal gear at any time.[6]

List of Meal Gear[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Meal Gear[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Meal Gear[edit | hide]

Recipe Gear[edit | hide]

Recipe gear cards are sometimes included in white box expansion and feature a gear recipe on the back of the card that survivors can use to craft the gear card during the Develop step of the settlement phase.

List of Recipe Gear[edit | hide]

Green Knight Armor Expansion Recipe Gear[edit | hide]

White Box Expansion Recipe Gear[edit | hide]

Beta Gear[edit | hide]

Beta gear are sometimes included in photoresin miniature releases. These cards are differentiated by a blue banner in the top left corner, and unrounded corners. Beta cards are often used to preview new special rules, new weapon types, or interesting gear interactions. Occassionally, they will be integrated into a hard plastic white box release.

List of Beta Gear[edit | hide]

Vignette-Exclusive Gear[edit | hide]

Vignette survivors have pre-built gear grids. Some of these gear grids contain gear cards that are not currently available outside of a vignette.

List of Vignette-Exclusive Gear[edit | hide]

Event-Exclusive Gear[edit | hide]

Event-exclusive gear are rare gear cards that can be rewarded to players attending Kingdom Death: Monster events by Team Death staff members.

List of Event-Exclusive Gear[edit | hide]

Promo Gear[edit | hide]

Promo gear were included in certain pinup white boxes. These gear cards cannot be normally obtained in-game, and are often lighthearted, humorous, and unbalanced.

List of Promo Gear[edit | hide]

References[edit | hide]

  1. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 236
  2. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 63
  3. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 79
  4. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 100
  5. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 101
  6. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 75
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