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The horrors of their existence can cause survivors to develop mental disorders. Survivors can gain a specific or random disorders. Disorder cards describe the effects of each disorder. If a survivor gains a random disorder, shuffle all disorder cards and draw one. When a survivor gains a particular disorder, draw the corresponding disorder card. When a survivor gains a disorder, record its rules on the survivor record sheet. Survivors can have up to 3 disorders. Any further disorders gained must replace an existing disorder of the players choice. If a survivor would gain a disorder they already have, nothing happens. Disorders can be cured on their own, at upgraded settlement locations, as a result of some innovations, or through events.[1]

List of Disorders[edit | hide | hide all]

Core Game Disorders[edit | hide]

Black Knight Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Dragon King Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Dung Beetle Knight Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Flower Knight Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Frogdog Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Gambler's Chest Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Gorm Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Lion God Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Lion Knight Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Slenderman Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Spidicules Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

Sunstalker Expansion Disorders[edit | hide]

White Box & Beta Content Disorders[edit | hide]

References[edit | hide]

  1. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 44
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