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Campaigns are a continuous game that lasts over several play sessions. They start with a prologue, and end with a final showdown against a finale monster. A typical campaign session includes one cycle of game phases: Hunt, Showdown, and Settlement. Survivors depart to hunt a quarry, battle their foe, and finally return to the settlement to use their spoils to develop their civilization.[1]

Campaigns use the node system to determine the unique blend of monsters that players will face as they progress the story. These campaigns can be made more complex using campaign pillars.

Timeline[edit | hide | hide all]

A campaign's timeline is marked in lantern years, and players will track the passage of time on the settlement record sheet. Each campaign's timeline features unique story events, settlement events, and campaign milestones.[1] Trigger story and settlement events as the timeline advances.[2]

Campaign Pillars[edit | hide]

Campaign pillars are optional game components that increase immersion, complexity, and chaos. Each pillar has a value that represents the complexity it adds to your game.[3]

The pillars are as follows:

Arc Survivors - 3 Pillars
Encounters - 2 Pillars
Scouts - 1 Pillar
Seed Patterns - 1 Pillar
Wanderers - 1 Pillar
Characters - 1 Pillar

Advanced Kingdom Death: Monster[edit | hide]

A campaign of Kingdom Death: Monster that includes two or more pillars is considered a game of Advanced Kingdom Death: Monster (AKDM).

To help smooth out the complexity of playing an advanced campaign, it is recommended that play groups divide responsibilities into the following roles: storyteller, historian, banker, and builder. These roles are not permanent and should be switched each lantern year or spontaneously as players require.[4]

Storyteller: This player reads aloud for all players, maintaining the suspense of events as they unfold. The storyteller should read story events, settlement events, hunt events, philosophies, and roll results. The storyteller should perform actions that involve reading and resolving.

Historian: This player records and organizes the changing aspects of survivors and settlements on the advanced settlement record sheet. All players are responsible for updating the survivor record sheets of their survivors as they play. The historian should perform actions that involve recording.

Banker: This player organizes the boards, cards, tokens, and tiles of the game in play and in the game box. The banker should perform actions that involve finding, gaining, archiving, or placing on a board.

Builder: This player assembles, repairs, and organizes miniatures required for gameplay. The builder should perform actions that involve assembling.

List of Campaigns[edit | hide]

References[edit | hide]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 36
  2. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 235
  3. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 56
  4. Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 57
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