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(Redirected from Astute Psyche)

In their lifetime, survivors may gain abilities, impairments, severe injuries, ailments, and other painful reminders of their journey. Record these in the Abilities & Impairments section of the survivor record sheet. A survivor may have any number of abilities. Abilities are unique rules acquired by survivors that can aid, or hinder them throughout a campaign. [1]

List of Abilities[edit | hide | hide all]

Acid Palms[edit | hide]

Add 1d10 strength to wound attempts when attacking with Fist & Tooth.[2]

Advanced Play[edit | hide]

You may set aside 2 dice with the High Roller knowledge. These dice must be separate from attacks.[3]

Ageless[edit | hide]

You may hunt if you are retired. When you gain Hunt XP, you may decide not to gain it.[2]

Analyze[edit | hide]

At the start of the survivors' turn, if you are adjacent to the monster, reveal the top AI card, then place it back on top of the deck.[2]

Astute[edit | hide]

On Arrival, if possible, add an Acanthus Plant terrain card to the showdown.[4]

Astute Psyche[edit | hide]

When you make an observation about a knowledge, make two observations instead.[3]

Bitter Frenzy[edit | hide]

Each showdown, the first time you suffer the frenzy brain trauma, gain 1d10 survival. You may spend survival while Frenzied.[5]

Burnt Nerves[edit | hide]

You are immune to bash.[5]

Caratosis[edit | hide]

Before making an attack roll, you may declare "Caratosis X" in a loud, booming voice. If you do, that attack gains X automatic hits. X cannot be more than your total red affinities. When the attack ends, gain +X Hunt XP. When you trigger Age 2, gain the Beast of Caratosis secret fighting art.[5]

Cheer Captain[edit | hide]

Spend Endeavor IconEndeavor Icon to cause departing survivors to suffer the frenzy brain trauma]twice and ignore bash for the rest of the lantern year. Limit once per lantern year.[3]

Crystal Skin[edit | hide]

You ignore Cursed and cannot wear armor. When you depart add Armor 3 Icon to all hit locations. Suffer -2 to the result of all severe injury rolls. When you participate in Story Event Icon Intimacy, newborns gain Crystal Skin in addition to any other roll results.[5]

Cutthroat[edit | hide]

On a Perfect hit, gain Activation Icon after your attack ends, which must be spent immediately. Limit once per round.[3]

Dark Calling[edit | hide]

Increase your range of Perfect hits by 1. When you are a returning survivor, roll 1d10. If the result is less than or equal to your Hunt XP, you leave the settlement forever.[3]

Dead Again[edit | hide]

When you die, gain +1 population. This new survivor adopts the Deadism philosophy, gains Dead Again, and has your name.[6]

Destructive Vow[edit | hide]

At the end of your act, gain +3 insanity if you have attacked. If you have not, suffer 3 brain damage[7]

Discourse Savant[edit | hide]

When you roll on a table while ranking up your philosophy, you may choose your roll results instead of rolling.[6]

Dormenatus[edit | hide]

When you suffer damage, you may declare "Dormenatus X" in a loud, booming voice. If you do, add X to each hit location. X cannot be more than your total green affinities. After the damage is resolved, gain +X Hunt XP. When you trigger Age 2, gain the Grace of Dormenatus secret fighting art.[8]

Dream Keeper's Legacy[edit | hide]

During the showdown, if you have at least 1 permanent luck, you may set your luck to 0 and physically flip any token.[6]

Engorged Cure[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, you may archive a Nightmare Tick vermin resource to remove all your bleeding tokens and fully heal yourself.[6]

Explore[edit | hide]

When you roll on an investigate table, add +2 to your roll result.[8]

Fated Battle[edit | hide]

At the start of the showdown with the picked monster, gain +1 speed token.[8]

Flipper Feet[edit | hide]

Gain +1 movement and +1 evasion. You cannot wear leg armor.[6]

Forgettable[edit | hide]

Gain +2 evasion. Forgettable survivors cannot be encouraged.[9]

Fortune Sight[edit | hide]

On Arrival, gain +1 accuracy tokens equal to your permanent luck.[6]

Game Master[edit | hide]

When you are the monster controller and the monster draws AI Card Icon, instead draw 2 cards and select 1 to perform, placing the other back on top of the AI Card Icon deck.[6]

Gigaslayer[edit | hide]

Gain +2 strength and +1 luck when attacking a 3x3 or larger monster. When you participate in Story Event Icon Intimacy, newborns with your surname gain Gigaslayer in addition to other benefits.[10]

Grounded[edit | hide]

Once per lantern year, at any time, you may set your insanity to 0, 1, or 2.[11]

Heart of the Sword[edit | hide]

If you gain weapon proficiency during the Aftermath, gain an additional 3 levels. You cough up a hunk of your own solidified blood and gain 1 Iron strange resource.[12]

Hemostasis[edit | hide]

It takes an additional bleeding token to kill you. This ability can be gained multiple times.[11]

Homing Instinct[edit | hide]

Add +5 to your roll results on Core Game Icon Story Event Icon Run Away.[7]

Inevitable[edit | hide]

When you gain this ability, choose a weapon. It gains Sharp. Record this on your survivor record sheet. Erase it when the gear is archived.[11]

Iridescent Hide[edit | hide]

Gain +1 Armor 1 Icon at all hit locations for each different colored affinity in your gear grid.[12]

Iron Will[edit | hide]

You cannot be knocked down. Reduce all knockback you suffer to knockback 1.[13]

Juice Hunter[edit | hide]

Once per hunt phase, when you are the event revealer, you may take a detour to search for a nest of lantern bugs. Roll a random hunt event. Afterwards, you return with bug juice and all survivors gain +1d5 survival.[11]

Largesse[edit | hide]

During your act, if you are Honorable, you may give an adjacent survivor one of your survival. Limit once per round. [14]

Legendcaller[edit | hide]

Once a lifetime, on a hunt board space after Overwhelming Darkness, in place of rolling a random hunt event, use "53" as your result.[13]

Levinblood[edit | hide]

At the end of your attack with a weapon with the metal keyword, if you hit the monster, it is shocked and suffers an automatic wound.[11]

Leyline Walker[edit | hide]

While there is no armor or accessory gear in your gear grid, gain +3 evasion.[13]

Life Exchange[edit | hide]

In the Aftermath, gain 1 additional Hunt XP. You many not wear Other gear. If you trigger Core Game Icon Story Event Icon White Secret, you cease to exist. When you retire, you cease to exist.[13]

Limb-maker[edit | hide]

Once per settlement phase, spend 2 Endeavor Icon to carve a prosthetic limb. Remove a survivor's dismembered injury and add 1 bone to the settlement storage.[12]

Lucernae[edit | hide]

Before making a wound attempt, you may declare "Lucernae X" in a loud, booming voice. If you do, that wound attempt gains +X Luck. X cannot be more than your total blue affinities. When the attack ends, gain +X Hunt XP. When you trigger Age 2, gain the Lucernae's Lantern secret fighting art.[13]

Mad Oracle[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, as a monster draws an AI card, name a card. If the AI card is drawn is the named card, gain +1 evasion token.[13]

Mark of the Cyclops Knight[edit | hide]

When you craft a Seed Pattern, gain +1 permanent strength and +1 hunt XP. At 10+ hunt XP, you leave the settlement.[11]

Matchmaker[edit | hide]

When you are a returning survivor, once per lantern year, you may spend Endeavor Icon to Story Event Icon Intimacy.[13]

Mentor[edit | hide]

During the settlement phase, spend Endeavor Icon to nominate a survivor with less hunt XP than you. They gain +2 lumi and +2 hunt XP. Limit once per lantern year.[11]

Metal Maw[edit | hide]

Your Fist & Tooth attacks gain Sharp (add 1d10 strength to each wound attempt).[13]

Myopic Fighter[edit | hide]

Gain +2 accuracy. You may only attack with daggers or katars.[7]

Nightmare Blood[edit | hide]

Whenever you gain a bleeding token, add Armor 1 Icon to all hit locations.[7]

Nightmare Membrane[edit | hide]

You may spend Movement IconActivation Icon to exchange any 1 of your tokens for a +1 strength token.[7]

Nightmare Spurs[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, you may spend all of your survival (at least 1) to lose all your +1 strength tokens and gain that many +1 luck tokens.[7]

Olthawartta[edit | hide]

At the start of your act, you may declare "Olthawartta X" in a loud, booming voice. If you do, ignore the effects of X special rules until the end of your act among the following: Cumbersome, Early Iron, Frail, Sentient, Slow, Unwieldy. X cannot be greater than your total pairs of red and blue affinities. When your act ends, gain +X Hunt XP. When you trigger your 2nd Hunt XP milestone, gain the Heart of Olthawartta secret fighting art.

Oracle's Eyes[edit | hide]

At the start of the showdown, look through the AI deck, then shuffle it.[12]

Outrider[edit | hide]

When you are the scout, you may add +2 to any roll result during a hunt event. Limit once per hunt phase.[15]

Partner - "(Partner Name)"[edit | hide]

When survivors who are partners with each other both Arrive, gain survival up to the survival limit. Partners may only nominate each other for Story Event Icon Intimacy. When a partner dies, the remaining partner gains a random disorder and loses this ability.[16]

Peerless[edit | hide]

When you gain insanity, you may gain an equal amount of survival.[16]

Possessed[edit | hide]

The survivor cannot use weapon specialization, weapon mastery, or fighting arts.[16]

Prepared[edit | hide]

When rolling to determine a straggler, add your hunt experience to your roll result.[16]

Presage[edit | hide]

Each time you attack, before drawing hit locations, loudly say a name. You lightly bite the eye in your cheek to see what it sees. If you draw any hit locations with that name, gain +3 insanity and +10 strength when attempting to wound them.[12]

Pristine[edit | hide]

When you suffer a dismembered severe injury, ignore it and gain 1 bleeding token instead.[12]

Psychovore[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, you may eat an adjacent survivor's disorder. If you do, remove the disorder. They gain 1 bleeding token and you gain +1 permanent strength. At the end of the showdown, if you haven't eaten a disorder, you die.[12]

Radiant Prescence[edit | hide]

When you are a returning survivor, gain +2 lumi.[15]

Reflection[edit | hide]

Your complete affinities and incomplete affinity halves count as all colors. You may dodge at any time and as many times as you like each round. When you attack from a blind spot, add +1d10 to all wound attempts for that attack.[17]

Refraction[edit | hide]

Your complete affinities and incomplete affinity halves count as all colors. During the Showdown, after you perform a survival action, gain +1 survival.[18]

Reroller[edit | hide]

When another survivor rolls a natural 1, gain a reroll token. Limit once per round. [15]

Restless[edit | hide]

Ignore any effects that make you skip hunts. When you are a returning survivor, gain +2 endeavors.[15]

Rival's Scar[edit | hide]

Gain +1 permanent strength, and -1 permanent evasion.[19]

Rooted to All[edit | hide]

If you are standing at the start of your act, reveal the top 2 cards of the AI deck and put them back in any order.[12]

Shadow Caesar[edit | hide]

You control the settlement from the shadows. Each lantern year, you choose the departing survivors. You may nominate anyone to depart, even those who are retired or could not otherwise do so.[20]

Songheart[edit | hide]

Your ballads cost 1 less to perform.[20]

Sour Death[edit | hide]

When you are knocked down, you may encourage yourself (even if you are deaf). If you do, gain +1 strength token.[21]

Spark of Aspiration[edit | hide]

When a survivor is named, they gain a random knowledge.[20]

Spectral Stomach[edit | hide]

When you consume and archive something, roll 1d10. On an 8+, it comes out the other end intact! Do not archive it.[20]

Stalwart[edit | hide]

Ignore knockdown effects of brain trauama and intimidation actions.[21]

Stinging Edge[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, you may archive a Sword Beetle vermin resource to give your attacks Sharp for the remainder of the showdown.[20]

Stone Crusher[edit | hide]

Before making a wound attempt with Fist & Tooth, you may discard another drawn hit location card to double the wound result.[20]

Stone Face Engraver[edit | hide]

When a survivor adopts a philosophy, they draw an additional card and select one to adopt.[20]

Story of the Forsaker[edit | hide]

You cannot be knocked down during a showdown with a nemesis monster.[21]

Story of the Goblin[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, you may roll 1d10. On a 3+, gain the priority target token and the monster gains +1 damage token.[21]

Story of the Young Hero[edit | hide]

At the start of each of your acts, you may choose to gain +1 survival and 2 bleeding tokens.[21]

Super Hair[edit | hide]

You may spend Activation Icon to freely exchange any tokens with adjacent survivors who have Super Hair.[22]

Sweet Battle[edit | hide]

Once per round, you may surge without spending survival. If you do, the activation gained must be used to activate a weapon. You may use Sweet Battle even if your settlement cannot normally surge. You may also use Sweet Battle when you have no survival and/or cannot spend survival. This does not let you surge more than once per round.[21]

Thundercaller[edit | hide]

Once a lifetime, on a hunt board space after Overwhelming Darkness, in place of rolling a random hunt event. use "100" as your result.[21]

Tinker[edit | hide]

When you are a returning survivor, gain +1 Endeavor Icon.[21]

True Peace[edit | hide]

Set your systemic pressure and torment to 0.[20]

Twelve Fingers[edit | hide]

You cannot carry two-handed gear. On a Perfect hit, your right hand pulses. Gain +5 insanity and +1 luck for the attack. However, for each natural 1 rolled when attempting to hit, your left hand shakes. Suffer 5 brain damage and -1 luck for the attack.[12]

Twilight Succession[edit | hide]

If you die during the showdown and you have a Twilight Sword, nominate another survivor on the showdown board to gain the Twilight Sword and this ability.[23]

Unburdened[edit | hide]

You may only wear Cloth (no other armor or accessories). Gain +2 strength from your resolve.[20]

Veteran[edit | hide]

During the Aftermath, gain +1 Hunt XP.[20]

Way of the Rust[edit | hide]

Your bleeding tokens are also +1 evasion tokens.[12]

Winged Escape[edit | hide]

Once per showdown, you may archive a Cyclops Fly vermin resource to discard the Trap and reshuffle the hit location deck.[20]

Notes[edit | hide]

  • The Gambler's Chest Expansion glossary entry erroneously states that survivors with the Cheer Captain ability can spend Activation IconActivation Icon instead of Endeavor IconEndeavor Icon.

References[edit | hide]

  1. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 44
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 228
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 190
  4. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 177
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 229
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 191
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Living Glossary
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 230
  9. Slenderman Expansion Rulebook, pg. 9
  10. Vignette of Death: White Gigalion Rulebook, pg. 7
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 192
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 Dragon King Expansion Rulebook, pg. 3
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 232
  14. Black Knight Expansion Rulebook, pg. 17
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 193
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 233
  17. Sunstalker Expansion Rulebook, pg. 30
  18. Sunstalker Expansion Rulebook, pg. 31
  19. Spidicules Expansion Rulebook, pg. 5
  20. 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 20.10 Gambler's Chest Expansion Rulebook, pg. 194
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 235
  22. Lonely Tree Expansion Rulebook, pg. 11
  23. Kingdom Death: Monster Challenge Scenarios, pg. 2
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