Arc Survivor
Arc survivors were introduced in the Gambler's Chest Expansion and are survivors with an advanced intellect that awaken with their minds unshackled. They feature three interconnected components that represent their advanced faculties: Philosophy, Knowledge, and Collective Cognition. These three elements build on each other to create a unique experience for arc survivors. Collective Cognition generates new philosophies that add new knowledges. Arc survivors are an optional pillar and can be added to any campaign.[1]
Philosophy[edit | hide | hide all]
Main Article: Philosophy
Philosophies are the way arc survivors make sense of their experiences. When they come of age, arc survivors adopt a philosophy that guides how they grow and change in response to their nightmare existence.[1]
Knowledge[edit | hide]
Main Article: Knowledge
Knowledges are skills that can be learned and taught. Often they arise from insight gleaned from an arc survivor's philosophy. Arc survivors' intellectual capacity allows these skills to evolve with experience and to benefit the settlement beyond one survivor's lifetime.[1]
Collective Cognition[edit | hide]
Main Article: Collective Cognition
CC is the growing potential of a settlement that comes from the neurological benefits of a diverse and nutritious diet.[1]
Adding Arc Survivors[edit | hide]
To add arc survivors to a new campaign, use the arc survivor settlement and survivor record sheets.[1]
First Meal to lantern year 1 on the timeline on the arc settlement record sheet.
Replace Principle: Romantic with Principle Romantic.
Sculpture with
Replace 1 basic hunt event card with an Arc Survivor Hunt Event in the basic hunt event deck.
Replace Murder with
Murder, and
Skull Eater with
Skull Eater in the settlement event deck.
Intimacy instead of
During the settlement phase, use the arc survivor settlement board to hold the new arc survivor decks.
Current Campaign[edit | hide]
Arc survivors introduce significant changes to your settlement and gameplay. That cannot be added mid-campaign.[1]
People of the Dream Keeper[edit | hide]
Only arc survivors live in the Gambler's settlement. The People of the Dream Keeper campaign uses many of the components in the Gambler's Chest Exapansion, including arc survivors. Rules for setting up this campaign can be found in the Gambler's Chest Expansion]] rulebook.[1]
Arc People of the Sun[edit | hide]
Arc survivors can be added to a People of the Sun campaign. They will partake in their
First Meal around the Sacred Pool instead of underneath the Keeper of Dreams. Do not use the Dreamism Core philosophy, as it is unique to the People of the Dream Keeper campaign.[2]
Arc People of the Stars[edit | hide]
Arc survivors have a very difficult time developing the traits the Dragon King seeks in a People of the Stars campaign. Each survivor will need an arc survivor record sheet and a way to track their dragon traits. Do not use the Dreamism Core philosophy, as it is unique to the People of the Dream Keeper campaign.[2]
Arc Survivors are Different[edit | hide]
The lives of arc survivors are packed with new aptitudes and their difficult consequences. Arc survivors do not age like other survivors; instead their development is shaped by philosophies. These new found freedoms and stresses are represented by new attributes.[1]
Arc Survivor Attributes[edit | hide]
Systemic Pressure: A manifestation of physical stress that accumulates. When survivors make severe injury rolls, subtract their systemic pressure from the roll result.
Torment: A manifestation of ongoing mental strain that accumulates. When survivors make brain trauma rolls, subtract their torment from the roll result.
Torment and systemic pressure are cumulative like other attributes. If a survivor has 1 torment and then gains +1 torment, they then have 2 torment. Arc survivors' knowledges and neuroses can also persistently alter these attributes. If they are removed, their effects on torment and systemic pressure are also removed.[1]
Lumi[edit | hide]
Lumi is the spark of curiosity that proliferates knowledge. Lumi is accrued and spent like knowledge.[1] Lumi can be spent at the Forum settlement location and to perform various feats. Lumi does not automatically replenish. When an effect instructs you to gain or spend lumi, increase or reduce the lumi value on your arc survivor record sheet by the designated amount.[3]
Arc Survivors Age Differently[edit | hide]
Philosophies replace
Age that other survivors trigger as they develop. Although arc survivors still get older, the way they change with age is determined by their philosophy.[1]
Arc Survivors and Weapon Proficiency[edit | hide]
Arc survivors do not choose weapon proficiency as a result of
Age. Instead weapon proficiencies result from collective cognition rewards.[1]
The Forum Settlement Location[edit | hide]
As their collective cognition increases, arc survivors earn a Forum location in their settlements. The Forum is dedicated to knowledge. At the Forum, survivors learn and share knowledges and help others along their philosophical journeys.[1]