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Throughout the game, you will roll dice to determine the outcomes of everything from attacks to choosing random players. When the game instructs you to roll d10s, it refers to the 10-sided dice included with the game. The values on the dice are 1 to 10 (the 10 face is represented by a lantern).[1]

Lantern 10s & Natural 1s[edit | hide | hide all]

Lantern 10 refers to a die roll result where the lantern face is showing. Natural 1 refers to a roll result where the number "1" is showing. During the showdown, it is possible to encounter situations where it is impossible to succeed or fail at hitting or wounding. In such cases, Lantern 10s always succeed and 1s always fail. This way, the possibility of success or failure exists, even in the most one-sided circumstances. For instance, players may find themselves facing monsters with toughness so high that the maximum die result (10) combined with their strength is not enough to penetrate the monster's toughness. In this case, when a lantern 10 is rolled, it will still wound (and cause critical wounds if luck allows). Conversely, monsters may face situations where an attack roll will always hit. For example, attacking a survivor with negative evasion might mean it would hit on a 1 or higher. In these cases, a natural 1 will still hit.[1]

(X)d10[edit | hide]

A number (X) of ten-sided die.[2]

d100[edit | hide]

A hundred-sided die. This is accomplished by using 2d10, with one die nominated to represent the "tens" digit and the other to represent the "ones" digit. Note that a roll showing 2 lanterns (result of 10 on each) indicates a result of 100.[2]

d5[edit | hide]

Roll 1d10, divide the result by two and round up to the nearest whole number.[2]

References[edit | hide]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 39
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6 Core Rulebook, pg. 229
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